🚧 Under construction 🚧

About Me

🚧 Under construction 🚧

I'm a physics student and a software developer. My main interests are physics and programming. I'm interested in physics because I like to understand how the world works and in programming because I like to create things and I like to solve problems, learning new things as I go.

I worked with many programming languages, especially C++ and Rust.
I developed many projects in C++, including a Structured Light 3d Scanner, many mathematical algorithms and a total rewrite of the Qt Signal/Slot system. I also applied my C++ knowledge to some embedded systems, working with ESP32, STM32, Raspberry and Arduino boards. I also developed some new projects like Bike & Body Fit and VDU posture monitor having to deal with media libraries, Computer Vision and Neural Networks.
I recently started using Rust in seek of a modern C++ alternative, I rewrote some mathematical algorithms in Rust for Scanny3D and I'm currently working on regui, a crate to wrap other GUI libraries in rust in a reactive framework.
